
I had some time alone at home this week, which I mostly used to watch a LOT of movies. I wasn’t really feeling like dressing up – I was mostly feeling incredibly lazy, so taking even the most miniscule amount of pictures felt like a huge effort. Plus it’s winter, so the light was fading. And I started late. Oh yeah, did I mention I was feeling incredibly lazy? It felt like a colossal effort to do my nails, shave, do my makeup. Maybe it’s just because it’s winter and the days are a lot shorter. Maybe it’s because I […]

The Shortest Photoshoot

I had a lot of high hopes for this trip. The last trip I went on ended abruptly after I got COVID before I could even dress up – that was ten months ago. I realised in the run-up to my Las Vegas trip in May that I hadn’t actually dressed up since then. A whole ten months. Life tends to get in the way, I suppose. Between getting through six months of constantly being sick from kid-germs, to general life/work stress and scheduling woes, finding the right combination of time/opportunity/energy/willpower to actually get my shit together seemed like such […]

Las Vegas 2023

If you’re reading this, you’re probably aware that there’s been a bit of an event going on. Just your run of the mill, minor little GLOBAL FUCKING PANDEMIC THAT UPSET THE FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIETY OMGGGG AHHHHHH HEEELPPPPPP. The last two years have sucked. Sucked enough that it definitely feels like a lot longer than two years. “Two years? Are you sure? I don’t remember having this many grey hairs or neuroses or imaginary friends to function as poor substitutes for in-person interaction oh hi there Sally GET OFF THE CEILING I WON’T TELL YOU AGAIN” Like many people over the […]

Starting from scratch

(Part of Colours of Las Vegas) Hi there sauce-fans. In order of least-saucy to most-saucy, let’s dive right in. Ok these first two were definitely not deliberate. This one though, pretty deliberate. That’s not to say that the occasional panty-flash doesn’t accidentally happen in real life, but this certainly was no accident. Keeping it classy though, as I do. And here’s a quick selfie in the shower wearing a bra, which you shouldn’t do in the shower. This outfit was also entirely accidental. I’m not quite sure where those stockings came from. I don’t even remember taking these photos. Really, […]

Vegas: Colour Me Bad

I wanted to do a photoshoot recently. I usually have a theme. Today I did not. Also, I’m tired of doing shoots indoors – I’m going to have to get more out and about, but that requires a car, which I did not have this weekend. Also, where would I change? Outfit 1: Blue tunic, black leggings. Nice and simple :) Oh yeah, and these blue little bootie-things that I can walk in, but I feel like will fall apart and/or cut into my foot at some point. They’re a bit cheapy. Also my ankle bone sticks out (FUN FACT: […]

Lazy Photoshoot

I was just writing the intro to this blog post saying that there’s no theme, until I looked at the pictures and realised that there’s a vast difference that this photoshoot has from literally every other shoot I’ve done: There are no dresses! SHOCK HORROR, CALL THE NEWSPAPERS! “Separates” seems to be the accidental theme here. Along with that, in every outfit here (apart from one…uh, two.), I’m wearing sandals, which is… a surprise. I’ve previously mentioned that it took me a while to come around to liking my feet, and now I find myself in the happy position of […]

Separates and Sandals

I thought it might be interesting to do a study of my own body – the parts I like, and the parts I don’t. I think what’s been most interesting about this is as I grew to accept this part of myself, I’ve also been able to come to terms with the parts of my body that I’ve liked the least. I suppose it’s useful to have an understanding of which are the parts of you that you don’t like so that you can work on them, or figure out how to make them better, or at the very least, […]

A Crossdresser’s body (slightly NSFW)

It’s been a busy year. Have I mentioned that yet? I have? Oh ok, I’ll probably shut up about it (at some point). Opportunities to dress have… well, they’ve existed, but having both the time and inclination to do anything about it has been an issue. I had a goal to dress up once a month, or twelve times this year. At last count, I was at nine, so there’s still a way to go. That said, during the last few months of the year, I made some progress on that front. So let’s revisit that. (You might have seen […]

Getting back into the swing of things