
A friend of mine was getting married in Rhode Island, and so our little friend group all flew/drove in from across the country to hang out! I had arrived on Monday, with plans to hang out with everyone all of that week. The wedding was on Saturday, which would give us a day of recovery on Sunday, and then I’d fly back home on Monday. I had picked out a pretty cool outfit for the wedding – a sundress, cardigan if it got cold, hat, shoes. I was ready. I landed on Monday, and we hung out on the beach […]

A Rhode Island Tragedy

If you’re reading this, you’re probably aware that there’s been a bit of an event going on. Just your run of the mill, minor little GLOBAL FUCKING PANDEMIC THAT UPSET THE FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIETY OMGGGG AHHHHHH HEEELPPPPPP. The last two years have sucked. Sucked enough that it definitely feels like a lot longer than two years. “Two years? Are you sure? I don’t remember having this many grey hairs or neuroses or imaginary friends to function as poor substitutes for in-person interaction oh hi there Sally GET OFF THE CEILING I WON’T TELL YOU AGAIN” Like many people over the […]

Starting from scratch

One of the things I mentioned in my Crossdressing Goals post earlier this year was that I thought it would cool and entirely terrifying to fly dressed (I believe “Flying Pretty” is the accepted terminology, but i don’t like it. Seems presumptive! I’m not sure I’d personally add “pretty” to the list of adjectives that could’ve described how I ended up looking that day, but so I’ll leave that decidedly in the eye of the beholder). Also mentioned in the Crossdressing Goals post was the fact that over the course of the last few years, I’ve been trying to be […]

Flying Pretty (and a Las Vegas Adventure)

I wanted to do a photoshoot recently. I usually have a theme. Today I did not. Also, I’m tired of doing shoots indoors – I’m going to have to get more out and about, but that requires a car, which I did not have this weekend. Also, where would I change? Outfit 1: Blue tunic, black leggings. Nice and simple :) Oh yeah, and these blue little bootie-things that I can walk in, but I feel like will fall apart and/or cut into my foot at some point. They’re a bit cheapy. Also my ankle bone sticks out (FUN FACT: […]

Lazy Photoshoot

I was just writing the intro to this blog post saying that there’s no theme, until I looked at the pictures and realised that there’s a vast difference that this photoshoot has from literally every other shoot I’ve done: There are no dresses! SHOCK HORROR, CALL THE NEWSPAPERS! “Separates” seems to be the accidental theme here. Along with that, in every outfit here (apart from one…uh, two.), I’m wearing sandals, which is… a surprise. I’ve previously mentioned that it took me a while to come around to liking my feet, and now I find myself in the happy position of […]

Separates and Sandals

I thought it might be interesting to do a study of my own body – the parts I like, and the parts I don’t. I think what’s been most interesting about this is as I grew to accept this part of myself, I’ve also been able to come to terms with the parts of my body that I’ve liked the least. I suppose it’s useful to have an understanding of which are the parts of you that you don’t like so that you can work on them, or figure out how to make them better, or at the very least, […]

A Crossdresser’s body (slightly NSFW)

Ladies and germs, welcome to this special edition of our Open Mic Night, this week coming to you from the corner of Liz’s Basement! <smattering of applause intermingled with chatter and the clinking of glasses > For our first act, coming all the way from… here… we have Liz, who’ll be playing a few of your favourite hits by Alanis Morissette and Jewel! Seems like she’s a bit shy, so let’s welcome her on to the stage! Whoo, talk about some feminist angst there. Ok, next up, we have… uh… Liz! Keeping the “lass” in “classical”, she’ll be performing some […]

Open Mic Night

So I hadn’t dressed up in… oh god, like a year, actually. We’ve had a lot going on, as I’ve talked about before, but this weekend I got some blessed time to myself :D Things to note: 1: We did some construction at home, and split our big downstairs into two rooms, one of which IS NOW MINE. I have all my wardrobes and my vanity down there, so it’s all miiineee yassss. 2: I got a tattoo. You shall see it shortly. I was planning on doing one of my standard photoshoots, but after trying (vaguely) desperately to deal […]

A Plague of Selfies