
It’s a strange world that we live in. Now that generative AI is so commonplace, it’s reasonable to start distrusting everything that you see and read. The ability to make images of whatever you want is… well, it’s pretty cool honestly. When I do photoshoots, which I try and do at least once a year, it’s typical to spend some thousand or so dollars on a flight, hotel room, food, new clothes, camera stuff, etc etc. And what do I get out of it? A bunch of pictures of me (and a mini vacation!). But in this new terrifying age, […]

AI Image Generation

I had some time alone at home this week, which I mostly used to watch a LOT of movies. I wasn’t really feeling like dressing up – I was mostly feeling incredibly lazy, so taking even the most miniscule amount of pictures felt like a huge effort. Plus it’s winter, so the light was fading. And I started late. Oh yeah, did I mention I was feeling incredibly lazy? It felt like a colossal effort to do my nails, shave, do my makeup. Maybe it’s just because it’s winter and the days are a lot shorter. Maybe it’s because I […]

The Shortest Photoshoot

Well, we’re back in Las Vegas. “But Liz, didn’t you do this just a few short months ago?!” I hear you screeching. Yes. Yes I did. And it wasn’t the best trip – mostly due to the fact that I lost a whole day to what one may describe as “a vomity migraine”, though honestly, that wasn’t the only thing. On that trip in particular, I only really got out of the room dressed a couple of times – once for dinner, and once for lunch. I had grander plans, but I either chickened out (just a little bit) or […]

Las Vegas 2023, again?!

I had a lot of high hopes for this trip. The last trip I went on ended abruptly after I got COVID before I could even dress up – that was ten months ago. I realised in the run-up to my Las Vegas trip in May that I hadn’t actually dressed up since then. A whole ten months. Life tends to get in the way, I suppose. Between getting through six months of constantly being sick from kid-germs, to general life/work stress and scheduling woes, finding the right combination of time/opportunity/energy/willpower to actually get my shit together seemed like such […]

Las Vegas 2023

A friend of mine recently asked me “So how did you pick out the name Liz Summers?” upon which I searched back for the blog post where I explained it. Well, it turns out I never did. Which brings up a good point – why even have a female name? I’m not female, I have no underlying, burning desire to be female. When I’m dressed up at work, I expect (and say, when asked) that people call me by my male name. So why even have a female one? First and foremost, I didn’t really have one for a long […]

Ask A Crossdresser: Names

Well this is fucking surreal, isn’t it? Various countries around the planet are going into lockdown or semi-quarantine states in order to slow the spread of a contagious disease. If you’re anything like me, you’re tired, you’re stressed out, and you’re struggling to get to grips with whatever this might mean in the long term. In the short term, for the love of god, wash your fucking hands. I’ve been trying to view this as a bit of an opportunity, or as much of one as I possibly can. I’m lucky enough to be able to work from home, but […]

Crossdressing in the time of COVID-19

Photography is hard. When I’m running around doing my own photoshoots, I’m very much focused on only a few angles and a few poses, while I struggle to figure out what else I can do, and how much originality I can eke out of my limited repertoire. So when I was booking my most recent trip to Las Vegas for my own shoot, I wondered if it would be worth actually paying a professional to take photos of me. The boudoir photoshoot landscape is a bit daunting, particularly because it’s easy to look at those photos, see the stunning women […]

A Boudoir Photoshoot

Sometimes I think I need to retire from the modern world, because it makes me incredibly sad. Maybe I should go live on a mountain, or deep in the forest, away from the news, computers, and the hustle and bustle of daily life. Searching for some occupation, I could take up whittling. I bet after a week or so, I could whittle some pretty sweet spoons. I could spend hours and hours whittling all kinds of different spoons – big spoons, little spoons, simple spoons, intricate spoons. Maybe one day I would get fancy and make a slotted spoon. Thousands […]
