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Crossdressing on Halloween 2014

Another Halloween, another chance to push boundaries just a bit. As it turns out, people seemed to really like me as a red-head, and the slightly more ambitious bright pink eyeshadow I was wearing (which is difficult to see in these photos, alas)

I didn’t actually crossdress for Halloween last year – I went as Slash from Guns ‘n’ Roses instead, which actually worked out quite well – but this year, figured it was about time to get girly again… specifically Powerpuff-Girls girly!

I think I may have mastered the mirror-selfie. Just sayin’.

Overall, it was a pretty good day at work :) At the end of the day while sitting around drinking, some random employee saw me and asked if they could take my picture. I hope it turned out ok :S But they seemed a bit impressed, so that made me feel kind of good.

Crossdressing and halloween go hand in hand, and for anyone who’s been afraid to go out dressed, crossdressing on halloween will always be your best and safest opportunity. Everyone’s dressed up as something or other, and you almost certainly won’t stand out at all!

I think one of the most interesting things that happened was seeing the reactions of new people who haven’t seen me dress yet, or even know that I dress up. At least one or two people had the reaction of “You look really great! That’s a bit disturbing.” I wasn’t offended – mostly amused. Makes me wonder how they’ll react in a week or so when I dress up again and it’s *not* halloween :D Anyway… moar pics, I think.


No biggie :D

Back to work, cardigan’s going back on!

And finally, the assembled Powerpuff girls :D


You can see more pics here, or maybe you want to read about some more of my experiences Being Out


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