
Ok, this is definitely a bit of a low-effort post, but I took some pics recently and I thought I would share. I apologise for their selfie-nature. NO WAIT, I APOLOGISE FOR NOTHING! Ok, maybe I apologise for the instagram-like nature of some of these… Although that filter really made this picture a lot better.

My Long Weekend Pics

Someone at work recently posted a link to an article about the difficulties women face in choosing what to wear for work/interviews (great article, well worth a read – On the days where I present as male at work, so little thought goes into my appearance – I just grab a t-shirt and a hoodie, check to make sure my jeans are still wearable (SNIFF TEST), and then head into work. However, on the days where I present as female, every little thing becomes an enormous battle – I have to (fairly exhaustively) mentally prepare the night before, judging […]

Dressing for work (or yet another reason why it must ...

Another Halloween, another chance to push boundaries just a bit. As it turns out, people seemed to really like me as a red-head, and the slightly more ambitious bright pink eyeshadow I was wearing (which is difficult to see in these photos, alas) I didn’t actually crossdress for Halloween last year – I went as Slash from Guns ‘n’ Roses instead, which actually worked out quite well – but this year, figured it was about time to get girly again… specifically Powerpuff-Girls girly! I think I may have mastered the mirror-selfie. Just sayin’.

Crossdressing on Halloween 2014