
This might seem controversial and counter-intuitive, but I truly believe that for lots of reasons, passing isn’t important. Bear with me. What do we want as crossdressers? I wonder sometimes, how deeply we examine this. Take a moment to consider what you want, or even why you crossdress. Really stop and think about it. Do you want to be a woman? Do you want to look like a woman? Is it just about the clothes, or is it something more? Is it purely sexual? Is it not sexual at all, but something more elusive? Is it wrapped up in your […]

Why I don’t think passing is important

Probably the biggest fear I have as I get older is that at some point I’ll come to a place where I feel like I just won’t look good anymore when I dress up. I’m 30 now, and every so often, when I look back at pictures from ten years ago, I can see how my face has changed. How it’s aged slightly. Where the lines will probably come in, or have started coming in just a bit. It’s not terrible so far (+1 for moisturiser!), but they are there – and in all likelihood, it’ll just get worse. Frickin’ […]

A note on self-acceptance: The sooner, the better

I remember reading an article a while ago about how coming out doesn’t just happen once, but that it’s a continuous process of self-revelation each and every time you meet new people. I guess it must have struck a chord with me, because I found my self thinking about it recently as some circumstances at work are changing, and I feel like I’m coming out as a crossdresser to people again.

Coming out as a crossdresser – over and over again.

So, a funny thing happened a while ago… When I posted this entry back in April, one of those photos struck me as one of my favourite pics of myself. It was this one: I think it’s still probably my favourite (not that I don’t try to top it each and every time I take pics!). But while I was sitting in front of my laptop (updating this blog) I began to feel a lot of different things. Things I’d felt before, but never as strongly as I did just then. This is stupid. This is an AWESOME picture of […]

Out. To everyone… On facebook.

Short answer: No. Although some crossdressers might be gay, the majority aren’t. It’s an important question. Initially my thoughts on this were “It shouldn’t matter! There’s nothing wrong with being gay!”. While I agree wholeheartedly with the latter, the former is clearly incorrect: it *does* matter a great deal in some cases. If you see a crossdresser in the street and you immediately associate them with being gay, you’re guilty of making false assumptions, but that’s of no real consequence. If you find out after 20 years of marriage that your husband is a crossdresser, and your mind jumps to […]

Ask a Crossdresser: Does it mean you’re gay?

Well hello there. I am a crossdresser. Now, now – don’t all start throwing rocks at me immediately. I’m not an enormous freak, nor am I a deviant out to get you, or trick you, or hurt you. I’m really just someone who happens to like wearing female clothes. “Yes, but you are a man!” I hear you cry. “You are a freak! An abomination!” I’m not really sure about that. Since 51% of the world are female, that sort of puts me in the majority of people who enjoy wearing female clothes, dontchathink? “But you are a MAN! You […]

Have to start somewhere