
Back when I was but a wee lad of, let’s say…20, I spent a while searching around on the internet for blogs of crossdressers, and in particular people whose voices jived with my sensibilities. At the time I found, well, not many, which eventually made me want to add my own voice to that minuscule chorus. But there was one blogger in particular which I liked, and whom I checked up on semi-frequently. Then one day, they were gone. Some years later, once again casting an eye about aforementioned information-super-highway, I stumbled across a funny crossdresser on youtube with a […]

The Mysterious Case Of The Disappearing Blogger

I’d talked a few times about what was going on with my dad. About a month ago, he finally slipped away. <some minutes pass in silence while I figure out what to say next> … It’s very surreal. I don’t believe in god – I think it would be nice if there was a plan, but I have neither proof nor evidence of one. Dad’s gone, and the slate which stored the full encoding of his brain has been wiped clean. He exists now only in echoes. Waves in the ocean from a passing boat that poofs suddenly out of […]

My dad died

As has been previously noted, I’m fairly open about my crossdressing. I don’t shy away from it at all any more – I post pictures to my personal Facebook account, I talk about it with friends, etc. But as much as I’ve grown confident in my ability to be authentic about who I am, it’s not done without worry. A few days ago, a friend of mine who I’ve known from college (oh, so many years ago!) posted something that made clear their feelings toward the LGBT community: A petition to remove any reference to “sexual orientation or gender reassignment” […]

The dark depths of your acquaintances

I generally hesitate to make a blog post like the one I’m about to write, because I like the idea of having these posts be much more focused on crossdressing and less about just the general things that are going on with me. That said, I feel pretty awful about my lack of posts for the last 6 months. My bad. Though in my defence, in those six months I’ve felt mostly like this:

Change: Everyone’s favourite agent of destruction