
It’s a strange world that we live in. Now that generative AI is so commonplace, it’s reasonable to start distrusting everything that you see and read. The ability to make images of whatever you want is… well, it’s pretty cool honestly. When I do photoshoots, which I try and do at least once a year, it’s typical to spend some thousand or so dollars on a flight, hotel room, food, new clothes, camera stuff, etc etc. And what do I get out of it? A bunch of pictures of me (and a mini vacation!). But in this new terrifying age, […]

AI Image Generation

I cannot describe to you how much I love The Little Mermaid. The movie is permanently stuck in my brain. Sometimes when I’m a little bit drunk, I find myself humming “Part of your world” on the way home. I have a bunch of assorted Ariel artwork on my wall. I have at least six t-shirts featuring Ariel. I have a Little Mermaid edition compact mirror I use to check/adjust my makeup on the go. I have a limited-edition Little Mermaid eye-shadow palette that I got from Sephora. I have a dress with Ariel all over it. Oh, and I […]

Liz and The Little Mermaid

One of the first questions we ask ourselves once we realise that we’re crossdressers/transvestites is “Why am I like this? Why am I a crossdresser?” Usually it’s not from a place of genuine curiosity, but a place of shame, or of misplaced guilt, or of anguish, because we’re suddenly assaulted by this reality of being different from everyone else – not by choice, but by circumstance, as if Fate has dealt us a shitty hand that we have no choice but to play. Well, ok. That’s one way to look at it. Another way to look at it is as […]

Crossdressing: Nature or Nurture?

So you’ve discovered that your husband is a crossdresser. Maybe you stumbled across their hidden cache of clothing and makeup, or after years of bottling up a secret which they thought was shameful they couldn’t take it any longer and revealed it to you. Maybe you’re scared and confused about what this means about him, and what it means about your relationship. Maybe you’re concerned that having hidden something for so long, you don’t know who he is, or maybe you’re worried that if he’s been able to hide this from you, what else could he be hiding? It’s very […]

Help! My Husband is a Crossdresser!

Maybe if you’ve been paying attention you’ve noticed that I’m out to everyone publicly, and have been dressed to work events on a few separate occasions. What might not be abundantly clear, mostly because I haven’t really spoken about it a great deal, is that I’ve actually been going in to work dressed fairly regularly for the better part of a year now. I’ll let that sink in a bit. I have been dressing up… at work… fairly regularly.

Being out, and dressing, at work.

So, I came out on Facebook earlier this year, to pretty much everyone I know, and the outcome, as you can see from the pics attached in that post, was pretty good. I felt freer and more-able to post pics on my one-and-only facebook account, and found a bit more courage to dress, and partially dress (makeup, nail polish, low heels a few times) to work, without comment, which is nice. It’s been so… liberating… to not have to hide one of the hugest parts of who I am. Admittedly, this is the SF Bay Area, so people are mostly […]

On being out.