M’ok. I’ve been gearing up for this one for a while, and it went *pretty well* (apart from the fact that I wasn’t feeling great, had a huge headache, ordered sushi, threw up sushi, and then cut short the shoot :|) and I got some good pics out of it!
I had some time, while on a recruiting trip, to make good use of a somewhat-decent hotel room :) I ended up taking a *lot* of pics, and as it turns out, I ended up liking quite a lot of them, so it seemed like it made sense to break these up into two parts. The first set is mostly fairly tame, while the second set gets the tiniest bit more risque :) Anyway, here goes!
The continuation of My Second Photoshoot! Be warned – there’s some vaguely risque pics down there – lingerie/stockings/panties, but nothing overtly racy :)
So, my job’s kind of cool inasmuch as they have lots of somewhat large parties where people dress up (You’ve probably noticed). Ever since the first one I dressed up at (which was scary, but a necessary step in my eventual coming out of the CD closet and having people see this as a NORMAL, NON-PERVERTED HUMAN ACTIVITY), it’s become somewhat expected that at each costume party type affair, I’ll be dressed up like a lady. And that’s fine. I’m happy to fill that role :D So, the theme of the Christmas party was “France”… Little bit of a broad […]