I’d talked a few times about what was going on with my dad. About a month ago, he finally slipped away. <some minutes pass in silence while I figure out what to say next> … It’s very surreal. I don’t believe in god – I think it would be nice if there was a plan, but I have neither proof nor evidence of one. Dad’s gone, and the slate which stored the full encoding of his brain has been wiped clean. He exists now only in echoes. Waves in the ocean from a passing boat that poofs suddenly out of […]

My dad died

As has been previously noted, I’m fairly open about my crossdressing. I don’t shy away from it at all any more – I post pictures to my personal Facebook account, I talk about it with friends, etc. But as much as I’ve grown confident in my ability to be authentic about who I am, it’s not done without worry. A few days ago, a friend of mine who I’ve known from college (oh, so many years ago!) posted something that made clear their feelings toward the LGBT community: A petition to remove any reference to “sexual orientation or gender reassignment” […]

The dark depths of your acquaintances

Following on from my previous blog post, I wanted to talk a little about making dressing up and getting out there a bit easier. The number of days where I had decided I was going to dress up, only to end up not doing so, is depressingly large, and each time, there was always some reason why it wasn’t practical to do so. Fear, I suppose, was one of the biggest hurdles to get over. That’s still a bit of a work-in-progress – each time I dress up, there’s always a little bit of fear, and given the long hiatus, […]

Pragmatic Crossdressing: Getting out the door more easily

Many years ago, I made a promise to my wife that if and when she became pregnant, as a show of solidarity, I would sport a beard the whole time for her benefit, as a lover of a good beard. Then, at long last, sometime last year she got pregnant. Thus began the long hiatus of Liz. Actually, that’s probably not fair. My dressing up had slowed to a crawl before that, and I hadn’t really dressed at work for many, many months. I suppose that I was already on a down-swing, and the bearded-ness, and general mental-fuzziness from there […]

Dressing again after a long hiatus

So I hadn’t dressed up in… oh god, like a year, actually. We’ve had a lot going on, as I’ve talked about before, but this weekend I got some blessed time to myself :D Things to note: 1: We did some construction at home, and split our big downstairs into two rooms, one of which IS NOW MINE. I have all my wardrobes and my vanity down there, so it’s all miiineee yassss. 2: I got a tattoo. You shall see it shortly. I was planning on doing one of my standard photoshoots, but after trying (vaguely) desperately to deal […]

A Plague of Selfies

I generally hesitate to make a blog post like the one I’m about to write, because I like the idea of having these posts be much more focused on crossdressing and less about just the general things that are going on with me. That said, I feel pretty awful about my lack of posts for the last 6 months. My bad. Though in my defence, in those six months I’ve felt mostly like this:

Change: Everyone’s favourite agent of destruction

I don’t really know what to say about the election. People voted for whom they genuinely thought was the right candidate. A candidate that many people in non-majority communities worry will make them unsafe. I’m not here to push any political agenda, but I do know that those who voted for the President-elect voted for whom they felt was the right candidate for them. But a vote for that candidate means that you either: truly believe that people should be excluded from this country based on their race, or their beliefs, or have certain rights denied based on their sexuality […]

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

You’re so vain – I bet you think this post is about you, don’t you? You might be right. I tend to be an over-analyzer. My teenage years (which I might counter-intuitively deign to leak far into my twenties) were plagued by late-nights in bed trying to sleep, playing conversations with people I’d had that day over and over in my head trying to glean more meaning than was superficially apparent from the words that they actually said, whilst also worrying about whether or not my responses were appropriate, or whether I was able to make myself fully understood. That […]

The Vain Crossdresser: A Defence of Vanity.