Anyway. I was tired and hungry at this point, and that made choosing somewhere to eat a chore. I ended up deciding on just hopping downstairs to a cafe in the casino, and perched up at the bar and ate a pokébowl while a friendly bartender tended to my bar-related needs.

Really feeling that cocktail in that last picture. Yeesh.
Before that last picture was taken, I threw some cash at a slot machine. That was a waste of time. Don’t gamble, kids.
Back up to the hotel room for more photoshooting. At this point in my trip, my general vibe is “GO HOME, YOU’RE TOO TIRED AND CAN’T BE BOTHERED AND YOUR FAKE TATAS ARE MAKING WEIRD SLURPY NOISES FROM YOUR CHEST SWEAT”, but I forged ahead, knowing I’d be upset with myself if I didn’t get more pictures.

These turned out not-terribly, though the tiny bathroom here was annoying to shoot in. I took another break before settling into one more hastily-thrown-together lingerie shoot. Hastily thrown together because it’s made up of clothes that have featured in at least one previous photoshoot before. Typically, I loathe doing anything where I repeat a previously seen outfit, but this turned out nice. And really, who’s paying attention anyway?

I was starting to not care about photos anymore. Partly because I, was once again, starving, and partly because I was just tired. It’s exhausting trying to take a million pretty pictures and utilise every vaguely photogenic corner of a hotel room. At some point you just want to crawl into bed and watch british panel shows for the rest of the night while drinking a vanilla milkshake (spoiler alert: that happened).
It was time to head out. The last place I wanted to hit was Gordon Ramsay’s fish and chips – it’s one of the few stops I make in Las Vegas every time I go, and it’s the closest to real fish and chips that I’ve had in this godforsaken country, so you bet your shitsack I’m not gonna pass up the opportunity to get some. It was yet another long walk to add to the accumulating mileage, so I strapped on the heels and away we went. It started raining on the way, but not terribly so. The gentlest of drizzles. Here’s me being a proper tourist, plus the aforementioned milkshake.

So tired. I figured maybe I had a couple more photoshoot pictures in me though, to really capture my deeply captivating state of mind.

I’m done. During the course of packing, I found that NC40 foundation I was missing. It was in a pocket of my makeup bag that, last time, I lost a tube of moisturiser too. Fucks sake. I’m entirely useless.
Overall, I got in a solid 2 days of photoshooting, eating, and getting out in the world and… existing like a real person. It was nice.
Maybe I’ll do it again sometime.

Stay sexy, friendos.
Looks like a great trip – thanks for sharing, and yet again you look incredible!
Aww, thank you so much!! It was a fun one, for sure! I’m already thinking about next time!!
Thank you for sharing.
Fashion reaction:
That dress that you said you wanted to wear to the wedding, it is a win. With that cardigan and those shoes, it is a very good outfit.
I think that top with the squigglies on it really suits you as well.
The red dress is very pretty. Good job!
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